Why you may be stuck

How many of you keep falling into old patterns? Old destructive behaviours?

Five Dating Red Flags To Look Out For

Are you the kind of person that seems to keep attracting damaged or toxic partners? Do your relationships always end up as a dramatic nuisance rather than as a pleasant addition to your life? As a life coach in London, a common problem that coachees come to me with is toxic relationships. Having studied relationships and trauma in great detail, as well as working extensively on my own issues, here is a summary.

Two Words Holding You Back From Success

When I discovered what these words were, I was blown away, it cured my performance anxiety, and it changed how I do business.

How To Quit Any Bad Habit

Many of you will be trying to stop a bad habit in 2018. But how do you actually do it? Here's 5 tips to help you.

Dating Readiness Test How Ready Are You

Will your next relationship be built on sand or concrete? How ready are you for dating? Take the test to find out.

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